IQ's Juice Bar
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3 Ginger Shot (4oz)
15 Cold Pressed Juices (17oz)
3 Homemade Almond Mylk (17oz) (almond mylks can be replaced for juices)

PLEASE PRE ORDER AT LEAST 24 HRS PRIOR PICK-UP,                                                                                         OR SCHEDULE A DIFFERENT PICKUP DAY, SEND US A WHATSAPP 956-667-5300

Juice Cleanse Benefits:
There are numerous benefits of a juice cleanse for the body, mind, and overall wellbeing. Some of the benefits of doing a 1-3 or more day juice cleanse periodically are:
Reduces inflammation, boosts energy, greater flexibility, improves heart health, provides the nutrients the body needs to work properly. It cleanses the body from toxins, it gives the liver and digestive system time to detox.

🥒 A juice cleanse will benefit in many ways your body, mind, and spirit.
It gives your digestive system a brake to rest and recharge.
Flush out toxins, detox from pollution, chemicals, medications, alcohol, caffeine, etc. At the same time you nourish, enhance your overall health, hydrate your cells, & boost your energy.

❓Did you know that up to 80% of the cells that make up your immune system live in your gut?
All disease starts in the gut. When the bowels are congested, the waste builds up, it will rot/ decay in the stomach, affecting multiple organs in the body.
Our guts are intimately connected to every organ in some way because the whole body works in harmony to feed and eliminate waste from the cells.
When the waste can’t exit the body, this brings problems in many forms & based on your own genetic weaknesses, those areas weaken more and create the symptoms of chronic illness.

🚴🏼‍♀️Stay Active, Stay Healthy, and challenge your body.
A healthy lifestyle not only changes your body. It changes your mind, your attitude, and your mood.



** Juice Cleanses are not recommended for elderly, pregnant, or people with a weakened immune system.